The true Eclipse

Last week we packed our bags once again and set off on a journey. We have been nomadic for six months and moving around from home to home in the Bay Area. Peter and I have made a lifestyle decision to visit the people we love and live in-between France and San Francisco this year. It’s proved to be both adventurous and challenging.

April 8 had been marked on our calendars all year- the great solar eclipse! The totality hit in San Antonio where Peter’s sister lives, so we decided to take a pilgrimage and road trip out to catch the celestial delight, making a few stops along the way to see people we love. 24 hours of driving each way, we traveled only to be caught by cloudy weather- the eclipse was eclipsed by a Texas thunderstorm. The darkness hit for four minutes. We stood at a truck stop with others in awe. We got goosebumps and the weather chilled and stilled for a moment. For a split second the clouds opened just before totality. We stood with our paper 3D-esque glasses and hoped to catch the wonder of what we came for. It ended, we drove off and continued our day.

Disappointment mingled with humor- did we really just drive all this way and plan our spring around seeing a cloud? Perhaps this is the most poetic thing I’ve done yet?! There is mystery in the desire and longing to see beauty.

The heart of my website name “hopefolio” came to mind- “The destination is not determined, but the journey is documented.” May we continue to be pilgrims that seek our wonder and beauty, even if it surprises us in unexpected ways. After all, it is not the places, things or experiences that make up a beautiful life- but rather the people we are surrounded by along the way.

*poem and photos from our eclipse adventure


Studio Visit with Jesse & Elaine Greenwood- Tucson, AZ


A year in review